Dec 15, 2011

Iconatomy by George Chamoun

Angelina Jolie and Elizabeth Taylor

I typed in "celebrity" in Google images to find a picture picture that best represent pop culture. I found the picture I used on my banner by a Swedish jewelry artist named George Chamoun. He called it Iconatomy. I found his tumblr but it seems like he discontinued using it.

He merged two famous celebs from old hollywood period with today's celebrities. The picture i used was of Angelina Jolie and Elizabeth Taylor for my banner. I'm a huge fan of both, ironically they are so similar (adopting kids, multiple marriages, strong-willed, controversial, and one of the most beautiful women that grace the silver screen). Elizabeth Taylor died this year a day before my 20th birthday, I wish I had met her.

I knew it was Elizabeth Taylor based on the eyebrows (there are two woman in this world i envy their eyebrows her and Megan Fox's) and course Angelina's lips were recognizable.

Here are few Icons he merged from yesterdays and from today and they totally make sense:

Rob Pattinson and James Dean
 Both stand out amongst the young hollywood crowd and most importantly their famous hair! It's almost as famous as Justin Bieber's hair.
Cary Grant and George Clooney
There are both a man's man and woman from different backgrounds all melt at their feet. They can also get away with being a playboy.
Marilyn Monroe and Scarlett Johansson
Sex bomb. Sex Bomb. They both have this career where there looks are what everyone talks about, but at it becomes a fault when they want to take on serious role. The older Scarlett is in this business, the more people forget that she can be a serious actress. Director David Fincher was looking for the right girl to play his latest thriller, "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" had said she is "too sexy." In other words...they didn't think she was good enough so they needed an excuse.
Audrey Hepburn and Natalie Portman
Academy award winners, elegant, and the elf-like features..what more can you say?

I've always said all of these people remind me of this or that person. Glad someone agrees with me. 


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